Hitri opis
- Stanje: Novo
- Vrsta: polnilni stroj
- Zmogljivost strojev: 4000BPH, 400BPH, 2000BPH, 1000BPH
- Veljavne panoge: hoteli, trgovine z oblačili, trgovine z gradbenim materialom, proizvodni obrat, delavnice za popravilo strojev, tovarna hrane in pijače, kmetije, restavracija, domača uporaba, trgovina na drobno, trgovina s hrano, tiskarne, gradbena dela, energija in rudarstvo, trgovine s hrano in pijačo , Oglaševalsko podjetje
- Lokacija razstavnega prostora: Egipt, Filipini, Južna Koreja, Japonska
- Uporaba: hrana, pijača, blago, kemikalije, stroji in strojna oprema
- Vrsta embalaže: PLOČEVINKE, Steklenice, Sod, Drugo
- Embalažni material: plastika, kovina, steklo, drugo
- Samodejna ocena: Samodejno
- Tip pogona: električni
- Napetost: 220V / 50Hz
- Dimenzija (D*Š*V): 2500*1000*1800 mm
- Teža: 500 KG
- Garancija: 1 leto
- Ključne prodajne točke: Samodejno
- Filling Material: Clean water
- Natančnost polnjenja: ±1%
- Poročilo o preskusu strojev: priloženo
- Video odhodni pregled: Zagotovljen
- Garancija na osnovne komponente: 1 leto
- Core Components: Pressure vessel, PLC, Gearbox
- Product name: Glass Plastic Bottle Washing Machine
- Keywords: Bottle washing machine
- Funkcija: Pihanje zraka ali pranje z vodo
- Polnilni medij: Filtriran zrak ali voda
- Glava stroja: 4-12, lahko prilagodite
- Hitrost: 20-50 steklenic/min
- Dolžina tekočega traku: 82 mm (material iz nerjavečega jekla)
- Program control: PLC+ Touch screen
- Vrsta steklenice: steklenica, ki jo zagotovijo kupci
- Vrsta podjetja: Integracija industrije in trgovine
An automatic tomato sauce glass plastic bottle rinsing washing machine is a device that is used to clean and sanitize glass and plastic bottles before they are filled with tomato sauce. The machine is commonly used in the food industry where cleanliness and hygiene are crucial to ensure the safety and quality of the products.
The machine is designed to be automated, which means that the cleaning and sanitizing process is done quickly and efficiently. The operator simply places the dirty bottles onto the machine's conveyor belt, and the machine automatically rinses and washes the bottles using a series of water jets and brushes.
The machine is capable of handling different sizes and shapes of glass and plastic bottles, which makes it suitable for a variety of applications. The rinsing and washing process is customizable, which means that the machine can be adjusted to meet the specific requirements of the product.
The automatic tomato sauce glass plastic bottle rinsing washing machine has several advantages over manual cleaning methods. It is faster and more efficient, which means that manufacturers can clean more bottles in a shorter period of time. It is also more accurate, which reduces the risk of contamination and ensures that each bottle is properly cleaned.
The machine uses high-pressure water jets and brushes to remove any debris or contaminants that may be present on the bottles. It also uses specialized cleaning solutions to sanitize the bottles, which helps to eliminate any bacteria or microorganisms that may be present.
In addition to improving cleanliness and hygiene, the automatic tomato sauce glass plastic bottle rinsing washing machine also helps to reduce labor costs and increase productivity. The machine is designed to be easy to operate and maintain, which means that manufacturers can spend less time on cleaning and more time on production.
In conclusion, the automatic tomato sauce glass plastic bottle rinsing washing machine is an essential piece of equipment for the food industry. It provides an efficient and effective way to clean and sanitize glass and plastic bottles, which helps to improve the safety and quality of the products. The machine is versatile, easy to use, and offers several advantages over manual cleaning methods, making it a valuable investment for manufacturers looking to improve their production processes.